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Monday, January 11, 2010

The eArt Directory


Why would you want - or need - to buy "The eArt Directory"?
It's your kick start - a tremendous boost! - into the world of selling artand buying art, on the internet.
Read here why both artists and art collectors need a copy of "The eArt Directory".

Artists, not only will you be guided through the process of efficientlyphotographing, uploading and storing images of your work on your computer, but you'll also learn how to size those images so that they'resuitable for emailing.
Easy-to-open email images are vital for the success of professionally presented submissions of work to galleries, both virtual galleries on the internet and real galleries on high streets.

A frustrated and irritated gallery owner is far more likely to discard your submission, or give a resounding "Thanks but no thanks" if they're forced to wrestle with badly presented images, or images which are so huge they block their mail boxes.

After reading "The eArt Directory" you'll be able to tailor your images, either for art gallery submissions or for the creation of high definition CDs/DVDs to be submitted to printers and publishers.
Surely you'd be proud to have a store of professionally printed business cards - with an excellent image of your work on the back - tucked into your top pocket? Apart from a great sense of achievement, business cards designed with a well-chosen image of your work are far more likely to be kept, or pinned to notice boards, to keep you in mind. You need high quality images for that.
Does packaging your work for shipping purposes worry you? There are some great tips for strong and safe packaging - knowledge gained through trial, error and experience - described and illustrated within these pages.
"The eArt Directory" touches on owning your own website and how to protect yourself from those nasty viruses out there in cyberspace.

There's a pretty bad downturn in the worldwide economy at the moment ... possibly set to affect us all for a couple of years. As much as many of us do our utmost to ignore it, and to put in our best efforts of trying to make it go away - it does and will affect us all.

So consider those secondary markets!

"The eArt Directory" gives you a few starting points to publish your art as digital images, t-shirts, mugs, posters ... the proceeds of which all go towards both raising your profile as an artist, and keeping those hungry wolves from the door.
It all takes work and effort (there ain't no free lunches, sadly) ... and having your own copy of "The eArt Directory" will put you way ahead of the crowd. It'll save you time, energy and many hours, all of which have a financial tag on them. They all cost you valuable earning time and money.

I won't go so far as to say you'd be silly not to have a copy of "The eArt Directory", but you'd be silly not to have your own copy of "The eArt Directory"!
To find out more visit

P/s if you are looking for more Crafting or Crafty ideas DIY and other Super Products visit me at

Rather relax and just go fishing at
There are Free E-books for you if you scroll to the bottom of the pageand I will try to add more as time allows.
Best wishes

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