you know just how beneficial playing with wooden building blocks can be for a young child? As well as providing them with a fun way to keep them-selves busy, these wooden toys can increase many skills needed as they grow. Giving children the chance to play with these items can facilitate not just healthy development, but may also encourage an interest in design and construction.
Eye-hand coordination in one principle benefit. This is a learned skill that is important to emphasize when children are young, as this will be needed for basic motor skills will used to do most simple and complex tasks throughout life. Holding items, driving, and participating in sports all require good eye-hand coordination. Allowing a child to play with wooden building blocks frequently will help him/her master picking them up and placing them correctly when building a structure, thus improving their coordination.
Decision making is another benefit. Learning to make sound decisions is also important at an early age. Every day you are faced with several choices to make, and it is usually important to make the best one. When playing with building blocks, children must learn to make the best decisions for their building structures, or the whole thing will teeter and collapse. Trial and error is exhibited through the kid’s attempts to keep the blocks stacked upon each other and standing. Learning to reason well with these kinds of toys will help them learn how to use logic in other, more pressing decisions.
Encouraging social abilities is a less obvious benefit. Playing with wooden blocks may seem like it would not benefit a child socially, but it actually can when a group of kids are involved. If more than one child is working together to create a building from the blocks, they must talk to each other about the placement of the items and how to build the structure so it will stand on its own. Learning to discuss and cooperate will further their social skills. Even when they are playing alone, they will talk to whoever is supervising them about what they are creating. Given the ability to talk about their interests and what their current actions can facilitate good communication skills that will be beneficial as they grow older.
Hopefully it’s now easy to see just how advantageous it can be for kids to play with building block toys. The aid in development of physical, mental, and social skills will help them as they grow into adult life. That’s a very goods reason to choose wooden building blocks the next time you come to choose a toy for your child.
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